We provide 1-1 sport psychology support to amateur/elite athletes, esports players & coaches of all ages. Below are some of the areas we can help with.


Sport psychology individual support

No matter the level you compete in your (e)sport, you are likely going to experience a mental barrier or setback during your sport participation. This is why being able to master your mind is as important as mastering the technical & tactical side of your sport. Being prepared to respond to these scenarios is where we can help.


Sport psychology individual support

We believe that coaches & fitness professionals (PTs, S&C coaches) are performers in their own right. They too, experience various daily stressors which can often be underappreciated. If these members, which are key to athletes’ development, are experiencing an issue or concern, this will often prevent them from performing optimally at work & most likely will funnel down to the athlete’s performance. This is where we can help coaches.


  • Face-to-Face Sessions

    We offer face-to-face sport psychology sessions in the Leicester, UK & Brussels, Belgium area (60 mins). Travelling to you is also possible.

    Face-to-Face Sessions
  • Online Sessions

    We offer remote/online sport psychology sessions & will be conducted using an online video communication software such as Zoom (60 mins).

    Online Sessions
  • MTM Package

    The MTM package is ideal for those wanting to book a block of 5 sessions at a discounted rate. Please get in touch if you think this option is for you.

    MTM Package


If you would like to contact us please complete this form.